
What happened in Emmerdale tonight: Moira found vital evidence against Tom – but then she forgot about it

Moira and Tom split image (Credit: ITV/Comp Emmerdale Insider)

Emmerdale tonight saw Moira see Tom’s secret video footage of Belle. It’s just the evidence Belle needs, but a seizure made Moira forget everything. So what does this mean for Belle’s case?

And as Tom continues to build up a false picture of himself, will he get to the tablet first and destroy the evidence?

Here’s everything that happened in Emmerdale on Thursday October 3.

Belle and Tom in Emmerdale tonight

Tom needs to get to the evidence first (Credit: ITV)
Accused Tom needs to get to the evidence first (Credit: ITV)

Tom under pressure

Tom was released and Jimmy was excited to see him like a puppy. Tom’s injury is absolute agony, but he can apparently still sit in a chair and lean back.

Things weren’t looking too bad for Tom, annoyingly. He was pretty smug that he’d managed to trick the police and they don’t seem to know about his tablet. Meanwhile, Amelia was once again fawning over him, and a stand-off in the street between Jimmy and Amelia and Vinny saw the police step in. Gotta love DS Foy!

Meanwhile, Belle was feeling guilty about what she did to Tom. It was only made worse when DS Foy then turned up and told her they couldn’t find any cameras to prove it. It’s obvious Foy believes Belle, but his hands are tied.

Belle was terrified – she knows Tom won’t stop until he kills her. And she knows the evidence is stacked against her. But then she mentioned his tablet and the police admitted they didn’t have Tom’s tablet in their possession.

Tom tried to play dumb and claimed he lost the tablet months ago. DS Foy didn’t buy it for a second and assured him they would find it. Please, please, please be right!

Jimmy was then shocked to learn Tom had been secretly filming Belle. The scales may be starting to fall… Tom managed to persuade Jimmy it was all in Belle’s best interests and he was keeping her safe. Of course, stupid Jimmy bought it.

Amelia was still fussing round Tom, who snapped at her. Tom’s solicitor Ollie arrived and told him to stop acting so guilty. He advised Tom to make sure they didn’t find the tablet and to keep Amelia sweet so it discredited Belle’s abuse claims. He told Tom to find the tablet or he’s “done for”.

Moira found evidence – and then forgot it!

Step forward Moira! Carl had the device in question to play Zombie computer games, but little Isaac nicked it off him! And then Moira got her hands on it… Moira looked through the files, realising it was Tom’s tablet.

And, yes! Moira saw video footage that Tom had filmed of Belle at home. Thank goodness…

Desperate to get the tablet into the right hands, Moira left a message for Belle telling her she needed to see this as ‘it’s even worse than you imagined’. Then deciding this was more important than her brain tumour problem, Moira grabbed the car keys and drove to see Belle instead.

Soon though, she was struggling to drive, had got lost and had forgotten her phone. The stress and the pressure and the brain tumour all worked against her. She parked up, got out and wandered off down a bridleway. It wasn’t long before she collapsed, having another seizure.

Mack eventually found her and brought her round – and she didn’t remember anything. Most importantly (and infuriatingly), she didn’t recognise the tablet, she didn’t remember leaving Belle messages and all the evidence is lost.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO! What is Emmerdale doing to us?

Liam lies to Ella in Emmerdale
Liam lied to Ella about his whereabouts, which suggests he’s not that into her (Credit: ITV)

The Liam/Ella/Chas love triangle resumed in Emmerdale tonight

Liam is still lying to Ella about going to a seminar when actually he’s going to a murder mystery event. As he got dressed in his outfit, Ella caught him and Liam eventually confessed where he was going, stressing the emphasis on murder several times.

She took it well and told him she didn’t mind, so off he went to have his fun. But we suspect she probably would mind when she finds out about his dalliance with Chas later on…

He popped into the Woolpack to steady his nerves before the event. As he and Chas joked, she went a bit quiet and confessed she had a rash near her breast. She was worried it was the cancer coming back and Liam took a look at it. He diagnosed an allergy rash and Chas was relieved, throwing her arms around him.

When is Emmerdale going to just get these two together and stop all the lingering looks and tooing and froing? It’s clear they want to be, so why is he messing around with Ella? It’s not creating tension or a love triangle, it’s just getting us all frustrated!

Also in Emmerdale tonight…

Arthur made us all cringe

Teen rebel Arthur is ‘too old’ for school and wanted to hang out around the village to flirt with John Sugden. Arthur thinks Aaron’s miserable and John could do better.

But his attempts to flirt didn’t go too well, though John did smile, which made Arthur think he was in. Arthur pestered him again later and John dismissed him, but said he’d chat to him tomorrow. Arthur definitely thinks he’s got a chance and it was all really cringeworthy.

Laurel and Charles are caught out by Arthur in Emmerdale
Charles and Laurel were caught by Arthur (Credit: ITV)

Laurel and Charles made Arthur cringe

But next it was Arthur’s turn to cringe when he caught his mum ‘at it’. Charles still wanted Laurel to help with the Harvest Festival and not taking no for an answer he followed Laurel home to ask her to stop avoiding him.

But the bickering and back and forth got them hot and bothered again and they couldn’t resist. However, just as they descended the stairs and started snogging again, Arthur caught them at it. “It’s like sandpaper on my brain,” he cried. But promised not to tell anyone.

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