
Emmerdale star confirms Tom King’s next evil act is ‘another level’

Tom King looks sarcastically at a frantic Belle Dingle in Emmerdale
More twists lie ahead (Picture: ITV)

Evil abuser Tom King (James Chase) has sought control over his wife Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) in every area of her life on Emmerdale, but recently she’s found the strength to fight back after she became aware of how wrong his treatment of her was.

We’ve seen Belle tell Tom that their marriage is over, and he’s moved out of their home – although viewers know that Tom managed to get himself a set of keys to the house while the locks were being changed and has also filled the house with covert cameras to continue watching Belle’s every move.

Belle is fully aware of how dangerous Tom is, as she knows that he was the one who ran over their dog, Piper. Belle was distraught after the little dog died, although viewers know that Piper is, in fact, still alive. Tom was cruel enough to pretend the dog had to be put to sleep, even going through with a funeral for her, while secretly giving the very much alive Piper away to another couple.

In the light of this we really shouldn’t be surprised by how extreme Tom is prepared to go, but in upcoming episodes he finds another way to get at Belle.

He’s installed software on her laptop that means he can access everything she looks at, and he soon drops a veiled comment that makes Belle realise that he’s had access to her private emails. This includes herlecent application under Clare’s Law, seeking to find out any prior  allegations of abuse or violence against Tom.

Eden Taylor-Draper told us that this is a massive escalation of Tom’s behaviour so far.

‘When he makes that snide comment and she realises he’s hacked into her laptop I think that’s huge,’ she said. ‘Because obviously she knows what he’s capable of but this is on another level.’

It’s a twist in the plot that came from Emmerdale’s research and the advice of the domestic violence charity, Refuge, who worked closely with the show on this storyline, as Eden explained.

Tom King and Belle Dingle speak to each other in the shop in Emmerdale
The ordeal sadly isn’t over yet (Picture: ITV)
Eden Taylor Draper as Belle Dingle in a faded-out Emmerdale press shot
Belle will be at the centre of a special episode (Picture: ITV)

‘This is something that came up in the meetings we had with Refuge. This level of tech abuse is becoming more and more common in abusive relationships. So I think it’s brilliant that we show that. Just to show how they (the abuser) get into every part of your life with cyber stalking – so you are not safe. So I think when Belle realises he’s done that, she has such a feeling of what is the point in trying to fight this because there is no way I can win, he is always one step ahead.’

Terrified Belle realises the danger she’s in, but Tom has a further shock for her. He tells her that he has access to some intimate photographs of her and he threatens to release them.

Belle tries to take control and delete the images, but Tom has changed her password and she has no access. Feeling helpless, she forms another plan to steal Tom’s tablet. Then she confronts him in the Woolpack.

Will anyone believe her?

This is all leading to a special episode which will explore what’s going on in Belle’s mind, which will mark a turning point in this storyline as Eden told us.

‘This is a new page in Belle’s life,’ she said. ‘It is a new chapter. It’s the start of Belle really taking matters into her own hands and finding strength and courage. I think it is very important. I really enjoyed what the ending entailed.’

The actress hopes that the story might help others in a similar situation to Belle.

‘It is so sad that people can be led to believe they are nothing without their abuser as they have been gaslit and essentially brainwashed. So it would be amazing and I would be so proud if Emmerdale could reach people and make them see and believe otherwise. That would be an honour.’

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