
Emmerdale fans brand Ruby Fox-Milligan the next Meena Jutla as she enacts horrible revenge plan

Ruby confronts Caleb at The Hide and a press photo of Meena Jutla standing trial in Emmerdale
She’s certainly as wild as Meena! (Pictures: ITV)

Emmerdale fans have been left wondering if newcomer Ruby Fox-Milligan (Beth Cordingly) may end up being the next Meena Jutla (Paige Sandhu) after some brutal scenes in last night’s episode.

Yesterday (March 7), Ruby told husband Caleb (William Ash) that in order to prove he loved her, he should destroy Tracy’s (Amy Walsh) presentation at The Hide.

And he did just that.

Caleb addressed the audience and said Tracy shouldn’t be allowed to run a nursery due to her past as a sex worker, and really stuck the knife in by telling everyone about their affair.

The ordeal left Tracy completely broken. In the pub, when Cain (Jeff Hordley) and Chas (Lucy Pargeter) discovered what happened, they worked together to try and sort Caleb and Ruby out.

Ruby smirks at Caleb in The Hide in Emmerdale
Ruby wanted Caleb to completely destroy Tracy (Picture: ITV)

At Mill Cottage, a furious Chas told Caleb that if Faith (Sally Dexter) was alive today, she would be ashamed to be his mother.

Caleb then unleashed his anger towards Ruby, telling him that because of her actions, he’s probably lost his Dingle family for good.

As Caleb left, Ruby let out a scream as she was left wondering if her evil plan was worth it after all.

The scenes sparked a huge reaction from fans on social media. For many, they dislike Ruby’s behaviour, with some even comparing her to the wild serial killer Meena Jutla.

‘Ruthless Ruby giving Mad Meena Vibes!’, one fan on X said.

Another wrote: ‘Ruby is so realistically wicked, sarcastic and ballsy.’

Elsewhere though, some Emmerdale audience members are on Team Ruby.

‘People need to lighten up and not take Ruby so seriously, she is a soap b*tch and she makes things interesting 😂 I hope she is here for a long time!’, one person admitted, while another echoed the thoughts and said ‘Everybody in #Emmerdale should watch out when Queen’s Kim and Ruby team up’.

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