
What happened in Emmerdale tonight: Tom was arrested and his lies might just be catching up with him!

Belle is fighting for justice and it feels so good

Tom King and DS Foy in Emmerdale (Credit: ITV/Comp Emmerdale Insider)

In Emmerdale tonight Tom was taken to the station and charged for coercive and controlling behaviour. Hallelujah!

As he lied and lied and lied some more the police are digging to get to the bottom of the truth – and we are keeping everything crossed they soon find it and Belle gets justice. Please, Emmerdale, please!

Here’s everything that happened in Emmerdale tonight.

Tom’s downfall began in Emmerdale tonight

Belle reported Tom - and herself - to the police last night (Credit: ITV)
Belle reported Tom – and herself – to the police last night (Credit: ITV)

The police took Tom in

Tom was just about to leave hospital when he was then taken to the station by the police after being arrested for coercive and controlling behaviour! Woo hoo!

He immediately tried to change his statement saying he’d lied about being mugged and it was Belle – let’s just hope that makes things even worse for the little weasel. His face was a picture when he was informed Belle had admitted the attack and handed in the weapon. Oh yes, we are loving this!

Tom then went down his usual road of blaming her mental health and irrational behaviour. He claimed she was angry and called him names – useless and ugly (we’d have called him worse, tbh). He also claimed she got physical with him, throwing things, pushing him around and assaulting him in the street. The gall of this man is something else. Tom honestly believes he is going to get away with this. Bravo James Chase for creating the most unlikable man on television.

Tom doubled-down on his lies when asked whether he was lying. However he was forced to admit he installed a camera, although he insisted it was to keep her safe. DS Foy wanted to know if he’d kept the footage to prove his claims of domestic abuse. The police are also seizing all of Tom’s electrical equipment and we are praying that he hasn’t deleted everything and is caught out.

Back in the village Jimmy had finally worked out what was going on and laid into Belle telling her her lies wouldn’t work. Losing his temper, Nicola advised him to use her camomile bubble bath to calm down. That’ll fix everything, right?

Tom slipped up

Back in the interview room, Tom was having a conflab with his solicitor and admitted there was footage. He denied it was abusive and slipped up confessing there was more than one camera. He told his solicitor the footage was on a tablet in a zombie case – which was at that moment being used by his cousin Carl at home.

So the police haven’t yet got the tablet and we know Tom gets his hands on it next week. But is there enough evidence against him to convict him?

At last he’s on the ropes. Has he been too slick in his lies to be believed? Is it time for Tom to be taken down? We really, really, really hope so.

Moira Dingle finds her flock of sheep have been killed in Emmerdale
Moira was devastated by her mistake (Credit: ITV)

Moira killed some sheep in Emmerdale tonight

After being exonerated yesterday over the sheep escape, Moira was insistent she is fit to work alone. But then the sheep all collapsed. They had ingested paint, that Moira put into their feeding trough by mistake.

Mack was not best pleased – and not at all kind to his sister. She told him she’d killed her son’s sheep and she needed to apologise to him. He also told her she wasn’t allowed to work any more. On her farm. That she owns. Best interests or not, he might want to remember he’s just an employee here.

Devastated Moira broke down insisting the tumour was taking everything away from her. Mack did apologise (big of him) for his tone, but said he was worried about her. She sobbed in his arms as she agreed to stop work.

Also in Emmerdale tonight…

Aaron Dingle decides to use John Sugden's van to stash his stolen goods
Whoops, Aaron! (Credit: ITV)

Aaron outsmarted by John

Aaron was loading the smart watches into John’s van having swiped the keys after John said no. Aaron insisted it was all good as John was working all day. Cut to Liam and John discussing how John had an afternoon off. Can we all see where this is going?

Yep, John caught him out and read him the riot act. But a quick bunk up in the back of the van was good enough for an apology and all was well again.

Liam and Ella back together

Turns out they are sleeping together. Casually. But Ella wants to be exclusive again and she misses Liam. He agreed to give it a go. He seems to have very quickly got over her child-killer past. But then he turned down her offer of lunch at Bun-in-a-Million to eat an onion ring the size of his head. It’s an offer that’s hard to refuse, but Liam did. Sounds amazing to us!

Apparently it was because he was going to a murder mystery event and didn’t think Ella would be up for it due to her murderous past. He hasn’t quite forgotten it then.

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