
Moira Dingle: Murder, affairs, deaths, and a brain tumour!

That's a lot for one woman to handle - but she's winning!

Moira with Moira and Cain

Moira Dingle in Emmerdale is the feisty, fiery, fierce farmer who’s come through the loss of her husband and her daughter, killed a love rival, and managed to tame Cain Dingle!

Here’s her story.

Moira’s arrival in Emmerdale

Moira Barton came to Emmerdale with her family – husband John and children Adam, Holly and Hannah (now Matty).

The farming clan had taken over Butler’s, though Moira took a job as a barmaid at the Woolpack. Chef Marlon even developed a bit of a crush on Moira, but she firmly told him nothing would happen!

Moira and John Barton
Moira and John came to the village with their children (Credit: ITV/Shutterstock)

John and Moira in Emmerdale

Moira and John’s marriage became strained when he snogged the face off Eve Jenson – that’ll do it!

But Moira got her own back – and then some – when she started a torrid affair with Cain Dingle. Cain taunted John about their affair and he threw Moira out!

Eventually, John and Moira began to reconcile. They planned a night in a hotel but on the way there, John crashed his car and he died. Moira was devastated.


After grieving for John, Moira rekindled her romance with Cain. But their domestic bliss suffered when her brother-in-law James Barton arrived in the village with his sons Pete, Ross and Finn.

Cain and Moira tied the knot but Moira was hiding a secret – that she’d slept with James nine months before son Adam was born. Awks. It turned out James was indeed Adam’s dad.

Cain and Moira had a steamy affair!
Cain and Moira had a steamy affair! (ITV/Shutterstock)

Holly’s death

Meanwhile, Holly’s drug addiction was worsening and causing problems for Cain and Moira. In fact, things got to the point of no return and eventually they split for good.

As Moira was beginning to get her life back on track, tragedy struck. Holly overdosed and died. Cain was there to support Moira through that death, and the death of James just a short while later.


Sister-in-law from hell Emma Barton had been increasingly unstable since she killed her estranged husband James. And it all came to a head in October 2017.

Emma and Moira ended up in a tussle in a barn – the one Moira was remembering when she was in a similar situation with Ruby recently.

That time, though, there was an added bit of drama – Moira was in labour, even though she hadn’t known she was pregnant! She gave birth to Isaac that same night.

Emma snatched the newborn baby though he was found in the church later.

Later, Emma was found dead having fallen – or been pushed – from Hotten viaduct. It turned out Moira was the one to blame. She’d shoved Emma when she taunted her over Holly’s death.

Adam on the run

Moira’s son Adam took the blame for his mum even though she tried to confess.

He was arrested, but Moira and Cain broke him out of his prison van and he legged it!

Cain and Nate on the boat fighting
Cain found out Moira had been sleeping with Nate (Credit: ITV)

Affair with Nate!

Cain and Moira reconciled but she was soon having her head turned by handsome farmhand Nate Robinson and she embarked on a steamy affair with him.

As it turned out, though, Nate was actually Cain’s long-lost son who wanted revenge on his dad. The whole thing exploded – literally – in a dramatic confrontation on a burning boat.

Moira turned to drink in the aftermath, and she and Cain split again.

Eventually though she kicked her booze habit and the pair got back together.

Moira lay in hospital looking anxious (Credit: ITV)
Moira is waiting for surgery on her tumour (Credit: ITV)

Brain tumour

Now, poor Moira is struggling with her brain tumour diagnosis. She needs surgery on the tumour and is desperately scared about what the future could hold.

More drama, we reckon!

Who plays Moira Dingle in Emmerdale?

Moira is played by Natalie J Robb. She’s been acting since she was 9 years old. She spent three years in Doctors playing Jude Carlyle and had roles in EastEnders, Take the High Road, Waterloo Road, and The Bill before she joined Emmerdale.

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