
Ruby’s got regrets, Will’s staying put and Moira’s made a big decision – here’s what happened in Emmerdale tonight

Cain's relieved and so are we!

Emmerdale tonight saw Moira make a big decision about her treatment for her brain tumour. She’d been adamant that she wasn’t going to have the surgery, but after the dramatic events of this week, she’s changed her mind.

Meanwhile, a battered Will returned to Home Farm, Arthur was giving Laurel a headache, and Ruby was having regrets about her family situation.

Here’s everything that happened in Emmerdale on Friday September 20.

Will looks worried on Emmerdale (Credit: ITV)
Will’s made some very bad decisions (Credit: ITV)

Bad Will hunting

Like a couple of mismatched detectives in a Sunday-night thriller, Lydia and Jimmy were off hunting for Will in the woods. As they tried to find Will using his phone tracker, Lydia took the opportunity to take a few digs at Jimmy’s support of his abusive nephew Tom (good work, Lyds). But her shade was interrupted when they came across Will, who’d crawled out of his grave.

Gazing at the grave with Will’s coffin inside and his exhausted, filthy mate, Jimmy came to the belated conclusion that the blackmailer meant business. As a detective, Jimmy makes a great lorry driver.

Will Taylor finds a mannequin dressed like Kim Tate in the woods in Emmerdale
Kim sent Will on a wild goose chase to confirm what she already knew (Credit: ITV)

Will and Kim are over in Emmerdale tonight

As Will made it home, he confronted his unrepentant wife about what she’d done – and what he’d done with Rose.

The pair picked over the bones of their marriage, and Kim demanded Will sign the papers giving her back ownership of everything in his name. But Will refused. He told her bluntly they weren’t separating. Yeah, good luck with that, Will. Kim always gets her own way in the end.

And then he asked the question we’ve all been wanting to ask. Why didn’t Kim just ask him if he’d cheated? Why go to the lengths of pretending her horse had been stolen, or Kim was kidnapped?

But Kim had the answer ready – she said Will had proved she meant nothing to him. Ouch.

Will dug his heels in and refused to go. But when he admitted he’d signed over his life, or his share of the haulage yard at least, to Caleb, Kim wasn’t impressed. Though where else she thought he’d get £50k in a hurry we don’t know.

Still refusing to sign the paperwork, Will left. And Kim took off her wedding ring. Seems it’s really over!

Caleb and Ruby are the executors of Helen's will (Credit: ITV)
Ruby was fretting over getting in touch with her daughter (Credit: ITV)

Family ties

Emotional Ruby begged Caleb to talk about Stephanie, revealing more about their relationship with the daughter they’d never mentioned before this week. Ruby said losing her mum had made her think of Steph. She said if she’d died in the fire, Stephanie wouldn’t have known how much she loves her, and she was tearful as she talked about her daughter.

But by the end of the episode, Ruby had decided not to call her daughter after all, meaning we’re going to have to wait a bit longer before Steph inevitably shows up in the village!

Emmerdale's Arthur is smiling
Is Arthur going off the rails? (Credit: ITV/ Composite EI)

Also in Emmerdale tonight…

Jai made a move

Arthur was defiant after being caught drinking with the date he met online, lashing out at his mum and Jai. Laurel tried to calm him down and tell him she just worried about him, and that he was too young to be on dating apps.

With the air cleared between mum and son – almost – he warned Laurel that Jai was trying to worm his way back into the family. And he was proved right later when Jai made a move on Laurel – and she threw him out. Yay, Laurel!

Moira and Cain sit on the sofa together (Credit: ITV)
Cain was pleased when Moira told him she is going to have the surgery (Credit: ITV)

Moira made a decision

Worried Moira was shocked when Cain admitted he’d told their boys how to call an ambulance in an emergency. And she was grateful that little Isaac had got help after she’d had a seizure. She told her relieved husband that she’d decided to go ahead with the surgery after all. Let’s hope it’s the right decision.

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