
Harrowing ending ‘confirmed’ in Emmerdale as evil Tom holds Belle hostage

Belle looks fearful as Tom confronts her at Wishing Well in Emmerdale
It’s not over yet for poor Belle (Picture: ITV)

Tom King (James Chase) went on the run from Emmerdale after Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor Draper) revealed his abusive behaviour to the village, which resulted in him losing his job. But he’s back with a vengeance and Belle is in the firing line.

Belle finally found the courage to tell Charity (Emma Atkins) just what she’s been dealing with, and as news spread amongst the Dingles, Belle found herself with an army of support behind her.

Tom legged it knowing what was waiting for him with Cain (Jeff Hordley), but not before making sure to discredit her with his uncle Jimmy (Nick Miles) and destroying the camera evidence from Dale Head.

After his disappearing act, Belle gets a call from landlord Kim (Claire King) that the house has been left in a mess. Belle returns to sort through things and discovers a pinpoint camera. The penny drops; Tom has been watching her every move.

Chas tries to talk to Amelia in Emmerdale
Amelia has started seeing Tom (Picture: ITV)

Sickened, Belle feels violated and a mortified Lydia encourages Belle to go to the police. She’s surprised when Belle refuses. She’s too scared at having to live it all again.

On reflection though, Belle knows it’s something she needs to do to protect others, and she goes back to Lydia to ask how she coped with reporting Craig.

Lydia indulges her, but is left feeling truly awful at reliving her own experience. She can only hope it’s done some good to push Belle into action.

But before Belle can make any sort of decision, Amelia contacts her to chat alone. Belle is thrilled; it seems Amelia (Daisy Campbell) has finally seen Tom’s true colours.

But with Kerry (Laura Norton) concerned that Amelia is still in touch with Tom, is her request all that it seems?

As Belle waits at the Dingles Homestead for Amelia to arrive, she is horrified to see instead an angry Tom walk in the door, block her exit, and lock them both in.

Belle is trapped and Tom is out for revenge and out of control. Now that he’s got her alone, what will he do?

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