
Tracy makes a shattering decision that leads to a painful goodbye in Emmerdale

Tracy looks stressed while standing by the kitchen in her house in Emmerdale
It ends in tears (Picture: ITV)

Nate Robinson (Jurell Carter) and Tracy Shankley (Amy Walsh) have had a turbulent year after she broke his heart and had an affair with his uncle in Emmerdale.

Their marriage was decimated by her sordid actions, but being the bigger man, Nate put his feelings aside to maintain a good relationship with the mother of his child.

Lately though, feelings have started rising to the surface again as the pair spent more time together for the sake of their child. So, when Nate got a job offer in Scotland, the two finally admitted their feelings and jumped into bed.

So now everything is hunky dory once again, and they are all planning on a big move to Scotland to wipe off the past and start afresh.

But before Tracy even has time to finish packing, she learns a shocking bit of news from her former affair – Nate snogged Moira (Natalie J Robb), and Caleb (Will Ash) wastes no time in rubbing it in her face.

Nate Robinson looks defeated as he is confronted by Cain Dingle on the farm in Emmerdale
Nate faces Cain’s very angry wrath (Picture: ITV)

The thing is, Nate didn’t snog Moira at all and it’s all a terrible misunderstanding – she suffered a mini seizure, and they ended up locking lips because of it. Neither of them had intended anything untoward, but that’s not how it looked to a spying Caleb.

Tracy is utterly heartbroken as she sadly watches her family dream go up in smoke. Worse is to come when Cain (Jeff Hordley) gets wind of what went down and comes for Nate over his fresh betrayal. Nate desperately tries to explain, but no one is worse at hearing than someone who thinks they know the truth. Cain being Cain.

As Cain’s rage explodes, he rains vicious blows down on Nate. Tracy begs him to stop, and Nate continues to protest his innocence, but as far as Cain is concerned, Nate is no longer his son.

Tracy – the woman who threw her family away for a quicky and a glass of champagne with a charming businessman – tells Nate she can no longer go with him to Shetland over the single kiss, shattering his family dream as well.

Tracy remains cold as Nate tries to explain and allows him just five minutes to say his goodbyes to Frankie.

After what she did with Caleb, will she throw everything away over a kiss? Will she come to regret her decision?

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