
Brave Belle Dingle finally escapes Tom King after terrifying Emmerdale showdown – but it’s not the end

Tom and Belle in a heated showdown in Emmerdale
Belle knows she has to get out of this marriage (Picture: ITV)

Emmerdale viewers have been left cheering Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) on after she bravely fled the clutches of abusive husband Tom King (James Chase) after a traumatic ordeal in a secluded cottage.

But, as she raced away from her monstrous tormentor and outran him, it’s clear that things are far from over.

With Charity and Cain Dingle (Emma Atkins and Jeff Hordley) arriving at the trashed cottage to find little trace of Belle, they feared the worst.

And, as time re-wound to earlier in the week, so did we. Our hearts were in our throats as we watched trapped Belle’s situation grow progressively worse.

After hoping for a relaxing break, it soon became clear to Belle that the holiday was going to be anything but.

In fact, as far as Tom was concerned, it wasn’t even going to be a holiday, but something more permanent.

Overhearing him on a call, Belle discovered that he planned to put a bid on the cottage without consulting her, effectively taking her away from her home and her family for good.

Tom King speaks to Belle Dingle, who is holding Piper the dog in Emmerdale
The cottage nightmare got worse and worse (Picture: ITV)

When she questioned this, his gaslighting went into overdrive before he then left Belle locked in as he headed out to seek a vets job.

He had also taken Belle’s phone, forcing her to believe that she had left it back in the village.

With Piper barking outside, Belle knew she was putting herself in danger by defying Tom, who had deliberately left the dog tied up to show it ‘tough love.’

She snuck him some food before fleeing back through the window as Tom returned, only to chastise her for leaving him outside.

With Belle standing up to Tom over the job, his anger exploded and he let rip at Belle, eventually striking her and forcing her to lock herself in the bathroom.

His aggressive behaviour only became more heightened and in a struggle, she cut herself on broken glass, which accounted for the blood Charity and Cain came across.

With Tom’s horrible words and frightening violence ringing in her ears, Belle bravely seized the opportunity to get out of there.

Tom King towers over a scared Belle Dingle in moody Emmerdale picture
The story is far from over (Picture: ITV)

Escaping the cottage, she ran for her life, with a shouting Tom in hot pursuit. Arriving at a road, Belle ran to an approaching bus and, panicking and begging, got on board in time for the doors to close on Tom, who hammered on the side of the vehicle.

She may be out of his direct clutches and have accepted that she can’t live with this man, but someone like Tom is unlikely to give up and will no doubt continue his pursuit.

But, with her family in her corner and the truth about Tom not clear in her mind, can she defeat the hold he has on her – and anything twisted he might plan?

Producer Laura Shaw recently warned that the story still has a way to go, culminating around the end of the year.

So, whatever happens, this isn’t quite over yet.

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