
Emmerdale spoilers: Matty jailed over Samson stabbing

Will Samson do the right thing and tell the truth or is Matty facing a future behind bars?

Matty Barton jailed in Emmerdale

Emmerdale spoilers for next week have revealead that Matty Barton is terrified to be facing prison as his altercation with Samson has horrifying consequences.

Read on to find out the whole story in Emmerdale spoilers.

Matty in trouble in Emmerdale spoilers

After Josh pushed Samson on to Matty’s knife, newly wed Mr Barton is worried he could end up behind bars. Both boys have twisted the narrative over what happened and it looks like Matty is facing a very uncertain future.

He turns to mum Moira for comfort, while stepdad Cain tries a different approach.

Samson and Josh shout at Matty threateningly in Emmerdale
Matty’s facing the consquences of what happened (Credit: ITV)

Confrontations in Emmerdale spoilers!

Cain heads off to find Samson and then demands he tells the truth about what happened. And later, it’s Matty who confronts the troublesome teen, hoping to convince him to reveal what actually went on at the Hide.

Matty’s hopeful he got through to Samson, but his hopes come crashing down when PC Swirling shows up, telling him Samson’s reported Matty for putting pressure on him.

Matty is furious and there’s another confrontation between the pair, but Swirling intervenes, marching Matty off to a police car.

Watching on, Cain glares at Sam as the battle lines are clearly drawn between the brothers.

Josh pushes Samson into Matty and Samson is stabbed in Emmerdale spoilers
Josh pushed Samson, but will Samson reveal the truth? (Credit: ITV)

Matty jailed

The next day, Matty is in his cell, nervous about what’s to come. An officer tells him he’s leaving for court in an hour, but how will Matty cope?

Meanwhile, Moira and Amy are thrown when Matty’s solicitor reveals the police have dropped the robbery investigation due to lack of evidence. This therefore puts Matty’s case in even more trouble.

Later in the Woolpack, tempers run high as Cain tells the drinkers that Matty is being kept on remand. Samson starts to freak out and Lydia has to pull Cain away from Sam as the tension erupts.

Back at court, shell-shocked Matty can’t believe what’s happened and soon realises he’s in danger as a police officer suggests he keeps quiet about being transgender in prison.

Amy’s scared that her new husband is a target as she watches him being bundled into a prison van.

Will Matty make it through his ordeal? And will Samson do the right thing and come clean about what really happened?

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