
Emmerdale spoiler video: Belle distraught over devastating death as Tom gets even more evil

Evil Tom King (James Chase) has frequently used Belle Dingle’s (Eden Taylor-Draper) love for her late mother Lisa Dingle (Jane Cox) against her in Emmerdale, and he’s at it again in upcoming episodes as his abusive controlling behaviour continues.

Previously we’ve seen despicable Tom destroying the container that held Lisa’s ashes. It was an accident, but in the aftermath as a despairing Belle tried to gather up the pieces she got covered in the ashes and Tom callously refused to allow her in the car and made her walk home even though she was distraught.

He often belittles the bond that she still feels with her late mum, calling it ‘weird’ that she wanted to have a photo of Lisa displayed at their wedding.

He ignores and belittles Belle’s feelings especially where her family are concerned, trying to distance her from everybody but him.

It’s the fifth anniversary of Lisa’s death soon and a new video clip shows Belle in a reflective mood on the day, looking at a photo of her mum and listening to one of her favourite songs with a sad smile on her face.

Tom speaks to Liam at the surgery in Emmerdale
Tom is pretending that Belle is the one with anger problems (Picture: ITV)
Tom confronts Belle at The Hide in Emmerdale
Belle tries to spend time remembering her beloved mum (Picture: ITV)

She’s so engrossed in reminiscing that she accidentally burns the toast – and the sound of the smoke alarm brings Tom to the kitchen.

She tells him about the music and how it’s ‘like time travel – it can take you anywhere.’ She asks Tom if his mum had any favourite songs but he’s already shut down the conversation and says he’s going to have breakfast at the cafe.

Belle tells him she’d hoped they would have breakfast together and his response, which under the circumstances is incredibly cruel, is ‘I didn’t realise we were celebrating something.’ He then tells her to have breakfast with the dog and leaves.

The day is set to get no better for Belle as Tom contrives to make her miss a memorial picnic to Lisa that Sam Dingle (James Hooton) and Lydia Dingle (Karen Blick) have planned, by getting her to wait in for a parcel.

Meanwhile Tom is furious when he gets some criticism in a performance review at work, and he takes out his anger on Belle.

This time they’re in full view of the other villagers as Belle finally snaps when he makes some nasty remark about her family and pushes Tom over.

With Tom having already told Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) that Belle has anger management issues, has she just played into the false narrative he’s trying to build?

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