
Emmerdale: Tom will harm new dog Piper to upset Belle

This would be so twisted

Anew addition to the ITV soap Emmerdale came on screen last night (Wednesday, March 27) as Tom brought home a dog.

He explained to Belle that Piper the dog was neglected by their owners and needed somewhere to stay.

Emmerdale fans have now predicted an upsetting twist that could soon hurt the new pup.

Belle didn’t want to keep the dog (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Tom got a new dog for Belle

Emmerdale fans will know that Tom hasn’t been happy with Belle working her new job at Take A Vow.

He recently meddled with her work by speaking to a client and warning him off the business, whilst also keying his car.

Tom’s also not been too happy that his wife has been spending nights away at work conferences rather than being with him.

Last night, in a bid to stop Belle from working, Tom brought a cute dog back home.

He explained to Belle that Piper needed a new home and that she could quit her job and look after her whilst he worked.

Belle told Tom that this wasn’t possible but she vowed to find Piper another home.

Emmerdale's Tom and Belle are stroking Piper
Fans fear that Piper isn’t safe (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale fans fear for Piper the dog’s future in the care of Tom

With Tom continuing to abuse Belle, fans think that he will use the dog in a way to emotionally hurt his wife. Viewers of the soap have now taken to social media to share their concerns.

One fan commented: “If anything happens to Piper the dog, I swear I’ll stop watching.”

Another viewer added: “Tom is so horrible he’ll let Belle get attached to the dog then do something to it to punish her.”

A third fan shared: “Cute dog’s going in the river in a sack with some bricks now she doesn’t want it, then he’ll blame her.”

A final person finished: “Hope Tom doesn’t harm the dog.” But, will he?

Tom looks angry on Emmerdale
Tom tracks Belle down (Credit: ITV)

What does Tom have in store for Belle?

Next week, Tom uses his tracking app and discovers that Belle is out socialising at The Hide rather than working late.

He then turns up at The Hide and pretends he’s fine with it before heading back home to trash the place. Is the worst yet to come?

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