
Emmerdale spoilers: Chas’ life changes forever as a child faces a devastating ordeal in tragic final goodbye

Emmerdale picture shows Nicola crying on Jimmy's shoulder and Paddy kissing Chas
Tears and scandals rock the Dales (Picture: ITV)

Lives are changing forever in next week’s Emmerdale episodes, as Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) is forced to face the enormity of her situation after major surgery, while another family is broken apart by a heartbreaking outcome for a child.

Chas is being stoic ahead of her operation, leaving Aaron and Cain (Danny Miller and Jeff Hordley) fearing for her. But in the aftermath, the reality catches up on Chas, leaving her in a bad state.

And things are even more complicated following a kiss with ex Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt), a development that leaves Mandy (Lisa Riley) reeling.

Elsewhere, Nicola King (Nicola Wheeler) is torn apart when she is forced to say goodbye to Angel after a significant sentence is handed out.

When a traumatised call from Angel leaves her in bits, she finds an unexpected comfort from a suffering Bob Hope (Tony Audenshaw).

And the future is sealed for Charity (Emma Atkins) as she makes a final decision on her relationship with Mack Boyd (Lawrence Robb).

Monday March 11

After opening up in her therapy session, Charity faces up to her abandonment issues. Later that evening, she ignores Mack’s babbling and leaves the house, clearly in a state of torment.

Kerry agrees to be civil with Chas. She can’t help but eavesdrop when she overhears her on the phone with the hospital.

Following her into the pub, Kerry offers Chas some tentative support. Although Chas is surprised by the sudden turn in their relationship, she discusses her operation with Kerry and agrees to bury the past.

Tuesday March 12

Mack’s confused when he comes downstairs to find Charity gone and quickly realises he made a mistake by refusing to give his wife the space she asked for.

Charity and Mack by the side of the road in Emmerdale
Mack or break (Picture: ITV)

After some searching, Mack finally finds Charity’s car broken down at the side of a country road. Can they get over this huge hurdle or does Charity have other ideas for their relationship?

Jimmy struggles to lift his spirits as he contemplates Angel’s near-certain departure.

Wednesday March 13

When Chas only allows herself two weeks off on the Woolpack rota, Aaron worries she’s not facing up to the reality of her operation. After a long chat, Chas finally opens up to a supportive Paddy about her concerns surrounding her operation.

Paddy lovingly comforts Chas as she fears the worst. Swept up in the familiarity of the situation, the pair begin to kiss before Paddy realises that he’s made a huge mistake.

Paddy and Chas look into each others' eyes in Emmerdale
Feelings are all over the place for Paddy and Chas (Picture: ITV)
His tactless reaction leaves Chas unexpectedly hurt. Later, Mandy’s stunned when Paddy reveals that he kissed Chas and he’s unnerved by her eerily quiet reaction.

Her parents hold back tears as Angel says an emotional goodbye to the family. Later that morning, she’s touched when Bob manages to offer her a word of consolation.

Angel, Nicola and Jimmy are devastated when the judge sentences Angelica to eight months in a secure children’s home.

Thursday March 14

At the hospital, Chas puts on a brave face in front of Aaron as she’s taken into surgery. Once alone, her bravado fails as nerves take over.

Aaron and Cain are tense as they wait for news on Chas. Although they’re unable to show it, both men are grateful for each other’s company.

Nicola breaks down as she struggles to imagine her daughter’s anguish. Meanwhile, Bob’s emotional as he reads Angel’s letter.

Later that evening, Nicola tries to hold herself together when Angel calls in a state of distress. Unable to help her daughter, Nicola breaks down as she struggles with her own helplessness.

A worried Nicola and Jimmy speak to Angelica on the phone in Emmerdale

Nicola and Jimmy are traumatised by Angel’s phone call (Picture: ITV)
\Emotional Nicola goes to the B&B and apologises to Bob. There’s a moment of thawing as the pair support each other in their shared grief.

Mary shows Rhona images of Ivy she found on Gus’ social media. Rhona’s tearful as she continues to gaze at photos of Ivy.

Charity and Kerry make an unlikely team when Kerry helps out at The Woolpack.

Friday March 15

Lydia steamrolls Rhona into agreeing to a Dingle birthday party for Marlon’s 50th.

The magnitude of Chas’ operation finally dawns on her as she examines her new body. Paddy’s heartbroken to catch emotional Chas in such a vulnerable state.

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