
ITV Emmerdale’s Rhona Goskirk left with difficult decision amid new Gus bombshell

Rhona Goskirk will be faced with a tough decision next week amid a new Gus bombshell in Emmerdale after being arrested for kidnapping baby Ivy

Rhona Goskirk will be faced with a tough decision next week

Rhona Goskirk will be left with a difficult decision next week amid a new bombshell from Gus on Emmerdale.

The fan favourite character found herself arrested last week when she was tracked down to a remote cottage, where she had been keeping Ivy with her before deciding to flee. Ivy was born when Gus and his wife Lucy stole Rhona’s embryos.

Technically, Rhona hasn’t got any parental rights over baby Ivy, despite being biologically her daughter, which has caused much debate amongst fans of the ITV soap. Next week, the court case looms and it is clear it’s having a big effect on Rhona and Marlon.

Rhona decides she needs to plead not guilty in court as she refuses to brand herself a criminal. April is clearly full of worry about what will happen to Rhona and things get worse when April says she’s not going to school and gets on a different bus.

Gus ends up injured in the scuffle

Gus ends up injured in the scuffle

April ends up at Gus’ house where she pleads with him to tell the police that Rhona is innocent. However, as she makes her case to him, she lets slip that Rhona is planning to plead not guilty and Gus is fuming.

He brings April back to the village and when Rhona makes a move towards Ivy, him and Marlon are locked in a scuffle and Gus ends up falling to the floor injured. Gus rejects Marlon’s apology and an upset April runs off.

However, Rhona is left stunned when Gus offers a compromise and suggests they both change their statements and work towards a not guilty verdict. He seems to suggest Rhona can have access to Ivy and he will cancel the house sale, but will Rhona agree?

Meanwhile, Zoe Henry previously opened up about Rhona’s reason for taking baby Ivy.

Speaking about her own reaction to the big scenes and why Rhona does what she does, she explained: “I do get this, I’m not saying I would do it, but she ends up running off with the baby, but I kind of get it. It’s that kind of primal panic of ‘this is my child and you’re going to take her to France and I’m never going to see her again’, so something kicks in.”

Explaining just why Rhona is so worried about losing Ivy, Zoe opened up about how a departure would be a “dagger to Rhona’s heart”.

“She can probably see that he is quite capable of having her at home on his own, but she’s grown so attached to Ivy, understandably, and the thought of being without her, even for a night, is overwhelming,” she said.

“He dangles the carrot of ‘You can come and see her whenever you want,’ but the reality of that is they live in Yorkshire. How often are they going to get to France? It’s not going to be every other weekend or one visit in a week. It’s going to be holidays. And that is a dagger to Rhona’s heart. She wants Ivy in her life as much as she can.”

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