
Tom King’s disgust at the Dingles explodes and he takes it out on Belle

Belle and Tom talk at their home in Emmerdale
Tom’s frustration gets the better of him (Picture: ITV)

Emmerdale weddings are well known for their drama, and the upcoming wedding of Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) and Tom King (James Chase) promises to be no exception.

In fact it almost doesn’t go head at all when the groom-to-be throws a hissy fit.

What we’ve learned about Tom King is that he likes things done his way. As soon as he and Belle were properly engaged he was posting about the engagement on social media and throwing himself into wedding plans, booking the church without consulting Belle first.

As the happy day gets closer there’s no let-up in his controlling ways. When Belle announces that she wants to carry on being a Dingle after she’s married, Tom’s not happy. Eventually, after a strop, he gets his own way and she agrees that she’ll be Mrs King.

Tom and Belle hold hands during their wedding ceremony in Emmerdale
Tom makes his view on the Dingles perfectly clear during an outburst (Picture: ITV)

While she won’t be a Dingle by name, Belle will always be a Dingle and Dingles love to party. As James Chase put it when he spoke to Metro.co.uk, ‘At the wedding, they are all a bit Dingley.’

This quickly grates on Tom. ‘He is just annoyed that his quiet special genuine moments with Belle are constantly disrupted,’ James explained. ‘I think he finds it frustrating and he has lost control. I think control is what it always comes back to.’

With the Dingles getting rowdier and latest arrival Ruby (Beth Cordingly) throwing her own brand of mayhem into the mix, the reception is soon in disarray and Tom is fuming that Belle’s family have ruined their big day.

‘He sees their behaviour as rude,’ James told us.

‘It is their wedding. So he is thinking the family should give them a bit of space. But Tom should know what family he is marrying into.

‘I think stuff like the conga annoyed him as that moment was meant to be their first dance and finally a moment where they got to connect just the two of them and then, bang, the Dingles came galloping in. The Dingles mean well and this is their way of welcoming him into the family. But he can’t see that.’

Meanwhile Eden Taylor-Draper warned us that the reception marks a turning point in Tom’s behaviour towards Belle.

‘She can tell he’s getting annoyed about little things. I think she is just saying to herself “It’s fine, it’s fine,” and then right at the end of the day something happens that just makes her think – “Have I done the right thing? Is this the right man for me?”’

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